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Issue 01: Building a Talent Marketplace - A Playbook for States

Alabama Governors Office Education/Workforce, C-BEN, EBSCOed
Article Date
April 8, 2024

Building a Talent Marketplace - A Playbook for States

Alabama’s Talent Triad is a unique system, bringing together often disparate efforts to create value and impact for the state’s workforce and economy. Driven by Alabama’s Governor’s Office and...

Issue 02: Interoperability

Alabama Governors Office Education/Workforce, C-BEN, EBSCOed
Article Date
April 10, 2024


Scaling Statewide Talent Development Systems: the Alabama Model

No workforce or education digital tool that seeks to facilitate mobility can succeed if it operates in isolation. Interoperability, the ability of data systems to...

Issue 03: Employer Engagement

Alabama Governors Office Education/Workforce, C-BEN, EBSCOed
Article Date
April 12, 2024

Alabama’s Talent Marketplace: Technology and Data Tools for the People of Alabama

The Talent Triad is a public-private partnership, sponsored by the Governor’s Office of Education and Workforce Transformation, to increase the number of...


Issue 04: The Role of Credential Data

Alabama Governors Office Education/Workforce, C-BEN, EBSCOed
Article Date
April 15, 2024

Transparency, Quality, and Functionality: The Role of Credential Data in the Alabama Talent Triad

Over the last few decades, the economy has been undergoing transformation that requires more skilled labor than ever before in the U.S. In response...


Issue 05: State Role and Governance

Alabama Governors Office Education/Workforce, C-BEN, EBSCOed
Article Date
April 17, 2024

State Role in Facilitating the Transition to a Skills-Based Economy

State governments have a critical responsibility in facilitating the transition of public infrastructure, built on advanced technology, to drive the economy by supporting the...

Issue 06: Competency Ontology

Alabama Governors Office Education/Workforce, C-BEN, EBSCOed
Article Date
April 19, 2024

The movement to create digital wallets and records of credentials is significant.

However, only the Alabama Talent Triad has created a competency system designed to both describe the competencies gained by individual learners and verified by...
