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Written Testimony of Papia Debroy, Opportunity@Work As Prepared for Delivery Before the U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce “Competencies Over Degrees: Transitioning to a Skills-Based Economy,” June 22, 2023

Opportunity@Work - Papia Debroy
Article Date
June 22, 2023


Chairwoman Foxx, Ranking Member Scott, and distinguished Members of the Committee,
thank you for the opportunity to testify before you today. It’s an honor to be here to discuss
the American workforce. By way of introduction, my...


Recredentialing Based on Skills

Paul Fain
Article Date
June 29, 2023

Medtronic partners with InStride to break down the skills needed for job roles

Medtronic partners with InStride to “recredential” around skills as it replaces degree requirements, including for half of the company’s IT roles. Also, how employers...


Statewide Talent Marketplace

Paul Fain
Article Date
August 10, 2023

Alabama's ambitious skills-matching play goes live and draws national attention.

Alabama goes big with its Talent Triad, an ambitious attempt to connect jobseekers and employers based on skills. The state’s newly launched suite of tools could be a...
